Wednesday, July 10, 2013

  • So what that I have been saying the last few weeks I would do it, and obviously didn't...
  • So what that as hot as it has been the last couple days I am VERY excited about mid 80's
  • So what that in order not to have tan lines, I wore a shirt that I got FRIED in on Saturday...
  • So what that I have pushed off laundry for over a week and do not plan to do it tonight either...
  • So what that I am excited I haven't had to make dinner for a week, therefore no dishes...
  • So what that I am dreading draining the pool but can't stand looking at the "pond" any longer...
  • So what that I plan to take not one, but TWO Mondays off this month...
  • So what that our next big "trip" is the Iowa State Fair
  • So what that my son's dream present right now is to have a gold cart...
  • So what that I have stayed up WAY after my bedtime and I feel old...
  • So what that for my birthday drinking fest took around 3 days to recover...
  • So what that I let Hunter pick out his clothes the last couple days and they don't always match...
  • So what that I think Hunter needs another bike tonight only because it looks like a motorcycle...
  • So what that I am actually running out of ideas today and going to call it "good...